Who am I?

Have you ever told yourself this story and stood in your own way? Who am I to share what I can do? Who am I to help others? Really who am I before I was told who I should be? Who am I if I’m not perfect? Who am I if this friend doesn’t like me and does my voice matter? …

These are all questions I’ve asked myself at one point in my life …

I’ve sat and pondered what if Thomas Edison had this thought, Oprah or Deepak…
what if they said who am I and didn’t share? What if their ego kept them small and they choose to stay silent?

I’ll tell who you are, you are presence, powerful and worthy of this moment of full acceptance of who you are in this second. You are an extension of this human race, a collective collaboration and I am thankful for you being part of Reawakeningbeauty.

You are special just as you are in your humanness.

Lots of love,

Photo Credit: @ibbocanada
Model: Shawna Patruno
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