Reawakening Beauty Microneedling, Review: What is Microneedling?!

Microneedling is a skin care treatment and/or procedure that repeatedly punctures the skin or scalp with tiny, sterile needles in order to help build collagen by creating a bit of trauma using micro punctures in the skin, thus forcing the skin to heal itself. This is also known as CIT (collagen induction therapy) or skin needling. It has a few sister treatments that I will share soon so stay tuned ✨ on the @reawakeningbeautyblog.

What are the Benefits of Microneedling

The benefits of microneedling have been said to help with pore size, fine lines, skin density, pigmentation, texture, youthfulness, uneven skin tone and when used on the scalp hair growth.  

Who is Microneedling for?

Microneedling is for people who are concerned with aging such as issues listed above as well as anyone who wants to maintain their skin in a natural way. As we age it is said we start to lose collagen at the age of 25 as our cells start to slow down. This treatment is said to help produce collagen so it would be perfect for someone looking for a collagen induction treatment or skin prevention treatment of premature aging.

Who Should Not Have Microneedling?

People who are acne prone people with active breakouts, in my opinion this will puncture the breakouts and spread bacteria to other areas of your face causing more breakouts. I would not recommend this treatment for people who hate needles. If you are on blood thinners or are a cancer patient in radiation or chemo, this treatment is not recommended for you. If you have done botox and filler in the month or if you have done another intense facial. Always tell the facialist and or doctor if you are considering this treatment of any allergies or health issues.

Reawakening Beauty Guidelines for Picking a Quality Place…Who should you go to?

I highly recommend finding a reputable person you trust who has a clean, sterile environment, has been educated and has been working in the practice for a while. Ensure they have a degree and are a board certified dermatologist, nurse or medical aesthetician who has been working for more than a year. You can also check if you can view their own before and after photos from previous clients.

Beauty Expert Pre-Treatment: How Should I Prepare for my Microneedling Appointment?

In order to prepare for this treatment, the week before ensure you come off actives such as retinol. Also plan it carefully with your schedule as you will need to take two days off make up & a week prior to a major events. Also plan to stay out of the sun afterwards for a week after.

What is the Procedure for Microneedling

Most places use a microneedling pen in the office or a roller if done at home, which I personally do not recommend the at home version as you could tear the skin or cause an infection if you don’t know what you are doing. There is a sister treatment which is similar but stay tuned for my next facial article in the coming weeks and my new podcast episodes.

What to Expect from a Beauty Expert?

They should start by asking a series of questions (listed below 👇)

Reawakening Beauty Expert Guidelines a Professional Should Ask:

  • Are you on any blood thinners?
  • Are you on any medication?
  • Do you have any filler?
  • Do you have any allergies to numbing agents?
  • When was your last beauty treatment filler appointment or facial such as beauty booster or laser?
  • Are you using retinol

They will start by thoroughly cleansing your face and then applying a topical freezing agent on you. After the freezing has taken affect they will begin by using the pen with a clean, new tip. The pen will have different settings such as the speed and the depth of skin treatment. These settings will be decided based on your skin sensitivity and if you are new to the procedure. They will run it over your face causing a bit of redness, by creating micro punctures, remember your face should be numbed beforehand and your skin should be cleaned.

Beauty Expert Post-Treatment: What Should I Expect After Microneedling?

You may be a bit red with tiny prick marks, sometimes your face might be slightly more puffy hence no big dates that night or next day.

Be sure not to use make up for at least 12 to 24 hours after the treatment. Also avoid excessive heat or exercise for 24 to 48 hours after. Use hydration after care products, these are often given from the office with simple, non-active ingredients such as real hyaluronic acid or calming ingredients. 24 hours after, use sunscreen I always choose a mineral based one and serum for a week or a gentle moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. Avoid actives like retinol and vitamin C for about a week afterwards as well. And lastly, don’t exfoliate for 72 hours. Often these places will give you a post treatment kit or serum so you dont use the wrong thing.

Reawakening Beauty Expert Recommendation

I personally have done microneedling and from a cost, effective standpoint I think microneedling is amazing. With multiple treatments it’s better for your bank account and just as effective than very expensive treatments, if you work with a great provider. Stay tuned for the next blog talking about the beauty booster facial.

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